EUA: Heroína representa “crise de saúde pública”

O Procurador-geral dos Estados Unidos, Eric Holder, qualificou nesta segunda-feira o aumento das mortes relacionadas à heroína como “uma crise urgente e crescente de saúde pública” e defendeu que socorristas levem consigo uma droga que pode reverter os efeitos de uma overdose.

A mensagem em vídeo, publicada no site do Departamento de Justiça, reflete a preocupação do governo federal com o abuso de heroína e analgésicos. O número de mortes por overdose envolvendo heroína aumentou 45% entre 2006 e 2010, de acordo com o Escritório de Política Nacional de Controle de Drogas.

O apoio público de Holder a um antídoto que possa ser usado para resgatar usuários de drogas em overdose reflete a posição do escritório de controle, que também incentivou socorristas a ter a medicação a mão. Pelo menos 17 Estados e Washington D.C permitem que a naloxona – conhecida pela marca Narcan – seja distribuída ao público. Há propostas sendo avaliadas em alguns Estados para aumentar o acesso à droga.

Defensores da naloxona dizem que ela pode salvar muitas vidas se administrada dentro de uma determinada janela. Mas críticos temem que tornar o antídoto muito acessível pode incentivar o uso de drogas.

Holder disse que a aplicação da lei está combatendo o problema da overdose, inclusive ao cortar a cadeia de suprimento que fornece ilicitamente analgésicos para viciados em drogas. Mas afirmou que é preciso um trabalho maior para prevenir e tratar o vício em drogas. “Confrontar essa crise irá requerer uma combinação de execução da lei e tratamento. O Departamento de Justiça está comprometido com ambos”, afirmou. Fonte: Associated Press.

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US: Heroin an urgent ‘public health crisis’

WASHINGTON (AP) _ U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday called an

increase in heroin-related deaths an “urgent and growing public health

crisis” and said first responders should carry with them a drug that can

reverse the effects of an overdose.

The video message posted on the Justice Department’s website reflects the

federal government’s concern about the growing prevalence of heroin and

prescription painkillers. The number of overdose deaths involving heroin

increased by 45 percent between 2006 and 2010, according to White House Office

of National Drug Control Policy.

“Addiction to heroin and other opiates, including certain prescription

pain-killers, is impacting the lives of Americans in every state, in every

region, and from every background and walk of life _ and all too often, with

deadly results,” Holder said in the message.

His public support for an antidote that could be used to rescue overdosing

drug users mirrors the position of the White House drug policy office, which

has also urged all first responders to have the medication on hand. At least

17 states and the Washington, D.C. _ allow naloxone _ commonly known by the

brand name Narcan _ to be distributed to the public, and bills are pending in

some states to increase access to it.

Advocates say Narcan, which comes in a spray and injectable form, has the

potential to save many lives if administered within a certain window. But

critics fear that making the antidote too accessible could encourage drug use.

Holder said law enforcement is combatting the overdose problem, including by

cutting off the supply chain that illicitly furnishes prescription painkillers

to drug addicts. But he said more work is needed to prevent and treat drug


“Confronting this crisis will require a combination of enforcement and

treatment. The Justice Department is committed to both,” he said.

Bill Piper, director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance, a group

that advocates against what it sees as “the excesses” of the war on drugs,

said in addition to promoting broader access to Narcan, the Justice Department

should also back better education aboutheroin abuse and promote “Good

Samaritan” laws that protect from prosecution individuals who call police to

report an overdose.


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AP-WF-03-10-14 1629GMT<

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